Happy Autumnal Equinox, the beginning of Fall 🍂🍂

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It is a special day because the length of day and night are equal. Ancient Chinese transferred the natural phenomenon into the belief the equality and justice. Books show that people corrected measurement tools on Autumn Equinox to comply with the honest on trading.

Right after Autumn Equinox, Yang goes weak as Yin takes over. Nature turns to silence and cooler temperature, which connects to negative feelings, the downside of life. Reflection and creating a small positive change each day help to maintain a positive mindset.


1. Energetic transitions

As the high heat and energies of Summer begin to settle, we find ourselves transitioning into softer and quieter season, allow your energy to match. Say no to others, but yes to yourself. Decline social outings, in favour of working inwards on yourself. Designate You Time, a specific time for gentle practices, such as meditation, journaling, or walking out in nature in the midst of the seasonal changes.

2. Changing times

Take time to reflect and recognize all the accomplishments you achieved over the past season, no matter how big or small. Once we have acknowledged our wins, we are better placed to see what remains for us to work towards in the forthcoming months. Keep those wish lists simple, drawing comfort from knowing that nature never hurries yet everything is always accomplished.

3. Letting go

Just as the trees will shed their dying leaves, we need to be courageous in letting go of what has deteriorated and no longer serves us in our life. No matter how we look at life, the art of letting go can often feel like a painful process.

However, we naturally move forward in life, but we need space to enable us to do so. Decluttering can be applied to discarding hoarded sentimental items from toxic relationships, removing limiting beliefs from our mind, or deleting and filing old emails to create a fresh space for new opportunities and energy to come to you.

4. Go back to your roots

As the gathering winds force the leaves to fall and return to their roots, we too must take time to return to ours. This can be achieved by heartwarming walks through nature, connecting deeper with your family and friends, addressing any festering roots to recurring problems, and brainstorming what it is that we really want from our sacred life.

Yoga, journaling and meditation help with energizing our root chakra, which is as red as the autumn leaves themselves. Our root chakra, relates to stability, security, and bringing order to our lives, as well as tending to our basic needs (food, water, shelter). A clear connection of our need to reconnect to our internal world and the world of Mother Nature herself.

5. Nourish the soul

Self-love is often mistaken for selfish love, which could not be further from the truth. Our self-love is the most important relationship. How we treat ourselves, determines the standard for how we allow others to treat us – so set that bar high. We must take time to nourish ourselves and our eternal soul this season. You Time moments can include positive affirmations, eating the right foods to nourish our body, reading a book, or ensuring we get enough sleep each night.

Resource: https://thriveglobal.com/stories/five-unique-ways-to-create-your-own-season-of-positive-changes/